Kotlin Quick Reference (a Kotlin/Android book)

As a brief note today, I started using Kotlin for Android development in 2018, and I’ve enjoyed it so much I started writing a new book that I called, Kotlin Quick Reference, which you can find online at that link.

Kotlin Quick Reference - book cover

The book is still a work in progress, but I think it’s very useful as it is today.

Reporting live from Broomfield, Colorado,
Alvin Alexander

Valley Programming is currently a one-person business, owned and operated by Alvin Alexander. If you’re interested in anything you read here, feel free to contact me at “al” at (“@”) this website name (“valleyprogramming.com”), or at the phone number shown below. I’m just getting back to business here in November, 2021, and eventually I’ll get a contact form set up here, but until then, I hope that works.